by cherylsamuels | Apr 27, 2023 | 4You, Becoming a parent, Freeflow, Health and development, Preconception, Pregnancy, Your pregnancy
A quick guide to plus size pregnancy care. By Alice Keely Midwife Instagram @theheavyweightmidwife Summary A bit of context: my guide centres on the current UK pregnancy care guidelines from the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG),...
by cherylsamuels | Apr 19, 2023 | 4You, Becoming a parent, Freeflow, Health and development, Preconception, Pregnancy, Your pregnancy
Preconception Health from a Medical Perspective By Dr Natalie Elphinstone Obstetrician Instagram @drnatalieelphinstone Summary Before you actively start trying to conceive it’s important to consider an appointment with your GP or OBGYN 2 or 3 months...
by cherylsamuels | Oct 20, 2020 | 4You, Factsheet, Pregnancy, Your body and becoming pregnant, Your pregnancy
Factsheet – Nutrition in pregnancy Pippa Morrish Midwifery Sister @midwife_pip Summary Pregnancy is a powerful time to nourish yourself and your baby towards a healthier future. It is an empowering change that you can make yourself to directly improve the health...