All4Birth provides information to optimise wellbeing throughout your childbirth journey
All4Birth + Weleda Collaboration
Philosophy of Birth
All4birth and our sponsor Weleda are working together to help enhance the experience of pregnancy and birth for women (and all birthing individuals).
We have partnered to deliver a unique online platform dedicated to promoting childbirth as a positive rite of passage for women and their families, by providing trusted expert information and support throughout their natural parenting journey.
We focus on childbirth as a normal, natural rhythm of a woman, and as an aspect of health, growth and humanity. We are orientated towards the preservation and humanising of normal physiological processes where possible during childbirth*, because a better pregnancy, birth and postnatal experience brings many physical and phycological benefits for mum and baby and creates a culture of trust in women’s capacity to birth.
We take a holistic approach, understanding that enhancing the experience of pregnancy, birth and the postnatal period will promote more positive outcomes for all. This means we focus on the relationship between health, stress and coping by providing clear, evidence-based information to support women and families to better manage their transition to parenthood. We understand this will help women to find meaning in their unique experience, to gain an overall sense of wellness.
We strive to maximise the wellbeing of mothers, fathers, and families during their experience of maternity care, including those women who have acute and/or underlying medical conditions or complications during pregnancy. We are committed to health equality and sustainable practices and aim to deliver these using strategies to promote women’s empowerment, developing healthy environments and the importance of participation and relationships between women and carers.
We aim to provide structured factual resources so women may discover their own health sources and use these to maintain emotional coping strategies with holistic support by a healthcare professional through and beyond their pregnancy. We believe everyone has the right to a positive pregnancy and birth experience and we are here to support you through that.
We recognise and respect there are birthing people who do not identify as female. We encourage healthcare professionals providing services to childbearing people to use language and terminology that is chosen by the individuals in their care. Here at All4Birth we use the term ‘woman’ purposefully to acknowledge the ongoing gender inequalities faced by women. We encourage all birthing people to use this website understanding the benefits knowledge of physiological processes will bring. We encourage maternity professionals to support and facilitate all people to have a positive birth experience.
* Research indicates the majority of women should be able to have a normal birth safely (WHO, 2016), but external factors can significantly affect coherence and outcomes.

About Weleda
Weleda was the first natural cosmetics brand,
founded almost 100 years ago in 1921 by Dr Rudolf Steiner.

Today, Weleda is the world’s No1 producer of Certified natural health and beauty products, manufacturing hundreds of natural cosmetics and thousands of anthroposophic and homeopathic pharmaceuticals – still partly produced from medicinal plants from the Weleda gardens – and supplying across five continents into fifty countries.
All products are certified natural or organic by the global quality mark NATRUE – the gold standard in natural accreditation – and Weleda is one of only two brands worldwide to hold UEBT certification for sourcing with respect (Union for Ethical Biotrade).
Our award-winning Mother & Baby products are a trusted natural and organic baby brand, and have been recommended by mums, midwives and healthcare professionals for over 60 years. Weleda baby is suitable for all types of babies’ skin, from normal through to hypersensitive. Weleda mum products are designed to work in harmony with mum’s skin during pregnancy, and after birth each product has been researched by a team of midwives and pharmacists to help support the development of healthy skin.
Weleda is working with the midwifery community globally to promote a holistic approach to pregnancy and birth, helping midwives in their work to educate and support, and ultimately reconnect mums, families and their babies back to nature.