by cherylsamuels | Sep 2, 2023 | 4Baby, Articles, Caring for baby, Freeflow, Parenting, Postnatal
Fact Sheet: Importance of the Microbiome in Newborn Infants By Dr Anna Byrom Midwife, Director of All4Maternity The importance of your baby’s skin Your baby’s skin begins to mature after birth and continues until your child is at least two years old...
by Alicia Burnett | Mar 1, 2022 | 4Baby, 4Family, Baby Safety, Becoming a parent, Caring for baby, Factsheet, Parenting tips, Welcoming baby, Your family life
Factsheet – Bathing your new baby Written by Alicia Burnett Midwife, UK Instagram @_aliciaburnett Twitter @ABurnett_RM Summary This fact sheet provides an accessible summary of the evidence around infant bathing. This document aims to help parents...